Centerpark East 47th Street Parking Garage (Car Services) in New York
Full information about Centerpark East 47th Street Parking Garage in New York: address, opening hours, phone, fax, email, website. Centerpark East 47th Street Parking Garage on the map, description and reviews.
Contact details of Centerpark East 47th Street Parking Garage:
212 East 47th Street, New York, New York (NY), 10017
EditCenterpark East 47th Street Parking Garage opening hours:
Monday - Sunday 00:00-24:00
EditReviews about Centerpark East 47th Street Parking Garage:
About Centerpark East 47th Street Parking Garage:
Welcome to Centerpark's East 47th Street Garage, your reliable and economical parking option in Midtown East. Our secure indoor facility ensures your vehicle's safety while you explore or work in the city. Conveniently located at 212 East 47th Street, we're just minutes away from iconic New York landmarks such as the Chrysler Building, the esteemed Museum of Modern Art, and the vibrant Times Square. Whether you're here for business, entertainment, or art appreciation, trust in Centerpark's East 47th Street Garage for a seamless, worry-free parking experience right in the heart of NYC.
EditCar Services nearest to Centerpark East 47th Street Parking Garage:
A Cheap 24 Hr Transmissions New York, Car Services; 580 5th Ave, New York, NY, 10036-4701; (212) 993-2089
Bair Transmission Repair New York, Car Services; 145 W 48th St, New York, NY, 10020-1002; (646) 237-1123
Best Auto Trans New York, Car Services; 1413 Broadway, New York, NY, 10018-3403; (646) 237-1533
Performance 24 Hr Transmission New York, Car Services; 2 Sutton Pl S, New York, NY, 10022-3070; (212) 993-1936